Free BookBasics of Hinduism

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[Download PDF.EwVO] Basics of Hinduism

This book provides wide-ranging information on Hindu religion, in a simplified and easy-to-read form. It explains the concepts and beliefs interwoven in the texture of Hinduism, such as Dharma (Duty), Karma (Action), and Moksha (Salvation) as well as aspects of Universal soul, One God and use of symbolism in Hinduism. It also deals with the various aspects of rituals and worship, Sanskaras (Sacraments) and the scriptures, including Hindu philosophy in a concise and simplified form to make it easily understandable. Readers may find the history of Hinduism, its reforms and the present status as a global religion an interesting topic to read. It will be of great appeal to young educated Hindus and even non-Hindus living in India and abroad who will find this book an easy and interesting read and yet comprehensive.ABOUT THE AUTHORThe author, Dr. Shivendra Kumar Sinha, M.D., F.R.C.P. (Lond. Edin.), is a doctor by profession. He has now retired from his post of Consultant Physician in Care of the Elderly at Manor Hospital, Walsall in United Kingdom. In spite of his medical profession, he always had a great interest in Hindu religion. He has widely studied and conducted researches on various aspects of Hinduism, including commentaries on scriptures written by both Indian and Western scholars and thus, has acquired a good knowledge about the religion.CONTENTS:ForewordIntroduction1. Origin and General Features of Hinduism2. Concepts and Beliefs of Hinduism3. The Hindu Deities4. Hindu Traditions and Sects5. Worship and Rituals6. Scriptures7. History of HinduismGlossaryReferences Hinduism - ReligionFacts Hinduism Overview. There are an estimated 1 billion Hindus worldwide making Hinduism the third largest religion after Christianity and Islam. About 80 percent of ... Hinduism Celebrations - Major Hindu Festivals & Holidays The social life of Hindus is replete with celebrations - festive occasions that allow them to come together as a community and celebrate their common culture. Here're ... Six Surprising Facts About Hinduism You Must Know Hinduism is a unique faith and not really a religion at all--at least not in the same way as other religions. To be precise Hinduism is a way of life a dharma. Basics of Hinduism - Himalayan Academy Nine Beliefs of Hinduism. Our beliefs determine our thoughts and attitudes about life which in turn direct our actions. By our actions we create our destiny. BBC - Schools - Religion - Hinduism Festival of Lights. Diwali is perhaps the most well-known of the Hindu festivals. The word Diwali means 'rows of lighted lamps'. Diwali is known as the 'festival of ... Hinduism Today Magazine - Join the Hindu renaissance Hinduism Today Magazine published quarterly from Kauai's Hindu Monastery is the foremost global journal on Hinduism BBC - Religions - Hinduism: Worship Central to Hindu worship is the image or icon which can be worshipped either at home or in the temple. The Main Tenets of Hinduism: the Basics This article offers a brief introduction to the common tenets principles and disciplines of Hinduism--a religion that is largely without a prescribed ... Hinduism 101: The Basics for Beginners - In this simple introduction to a complex religion get your basic questions on Hinduism answered. HINDUISM: The world's third largest religion Religions of the world Menu Hinduism: The world's third largest religion. Overview: Hinduism differs from Christianity and other monotheistic religions in that it ...
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